Water Damage Restoration Blogs

how to prevent water damage

How to Prevent Water Damage in Your Home During Rainy Season

Living in Boston, water damage is a common concern, especially during the rainy season. With flooding being a potential threat, it’s essential to take proactive steps to safeguard your home. In this guide, we’ll discuss the risks of water damage during rainy seasons and provide nine simple steps to help you prevent water damage in your home. Plus, if you happen to need a Boston water damage restoration company, we’ve got you covered!

Home Water Damage During Rainy Season 

Rainy seasons can wreak havoc on your home, leading to various forms of water damage. From leaky roofs and flooded basements to damaged foundations and mold growth, the consequences can be costly and hazardous to your health. In areas where flooding is a recurring issue, the risks are even higher. However, with proper precautions, you can minimize the risks and protect your home from water damage caused by flooding in Boston or some other factors.

How to Prevent Water Damage in Your Home: 9 Steps

cleaning gutters

Water damage in your home, especially during the rainy season, can be a major headache. Whether it’s a leaky roof, a burst pipe, or flooding, the consequences can be costly and time-consuming to repair. However, with the right preventative measures in place, you can significantly reduce the risk of water damage and protect your home and belongings. In this section, we’ll explore nine simple yet effective steps you can take to safeguard your home against water damage and keep it dry and secure, even during the wettest of seasons.

Step 1: Keep Your Gutters Clean

Make sure to regularly remove leaves, twigs, and other debris from your gutters. When these things clog up your gutters, rainwater can’t flow away from your house properly. This can lead to water pooling around your foundation, which might cause it to crack or weaken. Take a few moments from time to time to clean out your gutters, especially before the rainy season hits.

Step 2: Maintain Your Roof

Check your roof for any signs of damage, like missing or cracked shingles. These little problems might not seem like a big deal, but they can let rainwater sneak into your home. If you spot any issues, it’s important to fix them right away. You can do this yourself if you’re handy, or you can call in a professional to help out.

Step 3: Seal Windows and Doors

Take a walk around your house and inspect the areas around your windows and doors. If you see any gaps or cracks, seal them up with caulk or weatherstripping. These little openings might seem insignificant, but they can let rainwater seep into your home and cause all sorts of trouble.

Step 4: Grade Your Yard Away from the Foundation

Check out the ground around your house and see if it slopes away from your foundation. If it doesn’t, you might have a problem on your hands. Water can collect around your foundation if the ground slopes towards it, which can lead to basement flooding and other issues. If you notice that the ground slopes the wrong way, you can add some soil to build it up and make it slope away from your house.

Step 5: Step Install a Sump Pump

If you have a basement, installing a sump pump can be a lifesaver. This little gadget sits in a pit in your basement and pumps out any water that starts to accumulate. It’s especially handy during heavy rains or if your basement tends to flood. Make sure to keep it in good working order and consider getting a battery backup in case the power goes out.

Step 6: Waterproof Your Basement

To keep your basement nice and dry, consider applying a waterproofing sealant to the walls and floors. This can help prevent water from seeping in through the walls, which is a common problem in basements. You can also install a drainage system to help redirect any water that does make its way in.

Step 7: Check Your Plumbing

Keep an eye on your plumbing system and watch out for any leaks. Even a small leak can lead to big problems if it’s left unchecked. Look for signs of water damage, like stains or musty smells, and fix any issues you find right away.

Step 8: Monitor Indoor Humidity Levels

High humidity levels can create the perfect environment for mold to grow. To prevent this from happening, keep an eye on the humidity levels in your home and use a dehumidifier if necessary. This is especially important in areas like the basement or bathroom, where moisture tends to build up.

Step 9: Be Prepared for Emergencies

Finally, it’s always a good idea to have a plan in place for dealing with water damage emergencies. Make sure you know how to shut off the water supply to your house in case of a burst pipe, and keep the contact information for a reputable damage restoration contractor handy, just in case you need it. Being prepared can make all the difference when disaster strikes.

By following these nine simple steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of water damage in your home during the rainy season. Remember, prevention is key when it comes to protecting your home and belongings from the devastating effects of water damage. Stay proactive and stay dry, even amidst the rainy weather in Boston.

Reach out to A.W. Puma Restoration & Remodeling if You Have Water Damage in Your Home

If these steps feel challenging for you, or if you’re unsure of whether water damage already exists in your home, don’t hesitate to reach out to the professionals! At A.W. Puma Restoration & Remodeling, we are dedicated to handling all of your water damage issues from clogged sinks, frozen pipes, and overflowing appliances to leaks and flooded areas of your home. Contact our experienced team today to ensure a free quote! We are available by phone at (508) 300-9747, or you can simply fill out the contact form on our website. Our goal is to make each customer experience an excellent one so we create life-long clients!


water damage vs mold

How To Address Water Damage vs. Mold

If not addressed urgently, water damage and mold can damage your property and belongings. While both stem from similar causes, they have varying features and require unique approaches to remediation. Mold vs water damage restoration Boston are handled very differently.

Keep reading this moisture-related issues comparison to see the difference between water damage vs. mold. Understanding water intrusion and mold growth helps you identify the root of the problem so you can take the appropriate action. 

Ultimately, you want to address water damage and mold issues promptly and professionally, nipping them in the bud before things get out of hand. When it comes to water damage restoration, Boston has plenty of service providers.  

Reach out for top-notch water damage restoration and mold remediation services or help discerning between water damage and mold concerns. 

Water Damage and Mold Distinctions 

Left unchecked, water damage can easily give way to mold growth. Therefore, it helps to identify and address both issues sooner rather than later. The following telltale signs will help in differentiating water damage from mold: 

  • Water damage stains appear yellow, brown, or orange, while mold takes on various colors, from white and gray to green and black. Mold growth can also change hues over time. 
  • Water damage will often cause drywall to bubble, peel, or flake, while mold can present various textures depending on the type and maturity. Actively growing mold will feel slimy and likely smear when touched, while inactive mold will have a fuzzy texture or appear powdery. 
  • Untreated mold will spread throughout the home, but water damage will stick to areas affected by moisture infiltration. 
  • Mold will also grow on any damp surface where airborne spores have landed. You’ll often find mold in moisture-prone areas such as your bathroom, crawl spaces, basement, and laundry room. 
  • Water damage doesn’t always emit a discernable scent, while mold often emits a strong, damp, musty odor. By the time you smell mold, your indoor space probably has plenty of airborne mold spores. 
  • Water damage doesn’t cause direct adverse health effects. Mold exposure, on the other hand, may lead to: 
    • Coughing 
    • Throat irritation 
    • Runny nose or nasal congestion 
    • Red, itchy, or watery eyes 
    • Sneezing 
    • Skin rashes 
    • Heightened sensitivity in asthmatic individuals 
    • Wheezing or difficulty breathing 

Impact of Water Damage on Mold Development 

Water damage and mold often appear together in properties affected by leaks, flooding, or prolonged exposure to moisture. Failure to promptly and thoroughly address water damage creates the ideal environment for mold spores to grow and thrive. 

As a property owner or manager, you should call a mold remediation company to inspect and address any water damage vs. mold growth issues as soon as possible because mold can establish and grow in as little as 24 to 48 hours. 

While DIY mold removal may seem cost-effective, you must hire a professional to remove mold and fix sources of moisture. Otherwise, mold will continue to spread and lead to significant damage and costly repairs or replacements. 

Addressing Black Mold vs. Water Damage 

When your home experiences leaks or flooding, immediate issues such as dampness and pooled water might seem most critical, but long-term concerns like mold growth, compromised indoor air quality, and structural degradation need equal attention. 

Consider hiring a local water damage restoration company. These experts have the experience and equipment to thoroughly clean, dry, and restore affected areas and reduce the chances of mold growth. 

A mold remediation company worth its salt will often test for the presence of mold once they complete the job for extra assurance. 

If you notice mold growth after addressing water damage, seek professional help as well. Home remedies such as vinegar and bleach may kill mold in small quantities, but only a seasoned expert can prevent the mold from spreading and growing back. 

Professionals often use specialized tools to detect mold, even in hidden areas, and employ several techniques to kill microscopic mold spores. 

Bottom Line 

Water damage doesn’t always mean mold, but signs of water damage may indicate a mold infestation as mold grows in areas with high humidity levels. Remember to clean and dry water-damaged surfaces as soon as possible, as mold may start growing in as little as 24 hours. 

Professional Water Damage Restoration and Mold Remediation 

Now that you understand the differences between water damage vs. mold, you want to hire a professional to help you address either or both issues. Look no further than us at A.W. Puma Restoration and Remodeliing for top-tier water damage restoration and mold remediation services.  

Call (508) 300-9747 to schedule service in the Greater Boston area.

water damage inspection

What Does a Restoration Company Look for During a Water Damage Inspection?

Your home could have a water-related disaster at any time. Maybe a pipe freezes and bursts in the winter, or perhaps a severe storm leaves the lowest level of your home in several inches of water. No matter the reason for having water damage, you want to take the right steps to return your property to its original condition.

Professional water mitigation in Boston, MA, from a restoration company, starts with a water damage inspection. Here, you’ll find essential details about what goes into these reports and how water damage restoration crews use them to deliver efficient services.

What’s the Importance of a Water Damage Inspection?

A common misconception about water mitigation is that it isn’t a big deal unless a building has a major flood from severe weather. However, water damage restoration is necessary for most water-related events. Even minor water damage can result in structural damage, unsafe conditions, and health risks for the building’s inhabitants.

Water damage restoration companies use inspections and reports to know how to maximize restoration efforts. The report incorporates pertinent information about the situation, like the extent of the damage and the type of water contamination inside the building. Since the inspection report clearly documents the damage, it’s also useful to have when filing insurance claims to recover losses from the incident.

What Goes Into a Water Damage Assessment

When you contact a reputable water damage restoration company for water mitigation in Boston, MA, their water damage inspection will likely include the following details. 

Water Source Identification

One of the first things water damage restoration professionals do before repairing water damage is to identify its cause. This information will be part of the inspection. 

Sometimes, water can still be coming into the house when the restoration team arrives. If so, they will address the issue immediately so that they can start repairing the property. For instance, they’ll fix a damaged pipe if the plumbing is causing the flood to keep the water from spreading. 

Water Damage Classification

The water damage assessment will mention the classification of water damage in the building. Water classification refers to the type of water contamination a property has according to its source. Water contamination falls into three categories:

  • Clean water: Clean or clear water is generally clean and free of harmful pathogens. It comes from freshwater supplies. 
  • Gray water: This type of water generally comes from washing machines, dishwashers, or rainfall, and it carries moderate contamination. 
  • Black water: The most hazardous type of water is black water. It contains serious pathogens, toxins, bacteria, and other harmful microbes. Flood water, seawater, toilet water, and sewage runoff are examples of black water.

Safety Inspection

A safety inspection is integral to a successful water damage restoration process. Before the workers can fully determine the extent of the damage and start recovering the property, they must ensure the building is safe. 

When inspecting a building for safety, the restoration professionals will consider the water contamination level and possible electrical hazards and gas leaks. Sometimes, technicians will need to turn off the utilities so they can safely occupy the building. 

Documentation of Damaged Areas and Items

Information about the damages the property sustains from water makes up the bulk of a water damage report. They’ll note the property’s owner’s name, the date, and the causes of the water damage. Next, they’ll evaluate the property room by room to determine how much of the property has water damage and to what extent.

On the report, they’ll outline where the damage is, the type of damage they see, and how bad the damage is. In many cases, the team will begin the assessment at the building’s highest level and work their way down. The restoration company will also include moisture readings to note high humidity and hidden moisture. 

Restoration and Remediation Recommendations

The final aspect of the inspection is restoration recommendations. The team will outline the suggested drying process, whether furniture movement is necessary, and how to repair or clean surfaces. They’ll map out the entire restoration process before doing anything. 

Restore Your Home From Water Damage Today

At A.W. Puma Remodeling & Restoration Services, we offer outstanding water mitigation in Boston, MA, with 24/7 availability for emergencies. Our award-winning and certified restoration technicians, electricians, engineers, carpenters, and other professionals work together to return buildings to their original conditions after fires, water damage, storms, and other disasters. 

From mold prevention to detailed water damage assessments, our team does it all. Call (508) 300-9747 today for a quote from A.W. Puma Remodeling & Restoration Services.

emergency water damage

8 Steps to Take Immediately After a Damage Restoration Emergency

A water intrusion event can happen at any given moment, so many homeowners find themselves unprepared. It can be overwhelming trying to determine what step to take first when the chaos ensues. It’s even worse when the disaster occurs in the middle of the night!

Fortunately, we know a thing or two about how to handle an emergency water damage in Boston, MA. At A.W. Puma Restoration & Remodeling, we have helped countless clients restore their homes quickly and effectively. For the best results, we recommend that homeowners follow these steps as soon as they notice that they have a leak or flooding in their homes. 

Identify the Source of the Water Intrusion

The very first thing that a homeowner should do is identify the source of the water. In some cases, it may be obvious to see that the disaster was caused by a broken pipe or clogged toilet. In other situations, it may be more challenging to locate the source, especially if it is in the walls, attic, or utility closet. 

While it might be challenging, this is a great first step because homeowners can attempt to mitigate further damage. For example, water supply lines can be shut off to prevent more flooding from pipe bursts.

Shut off Power to Home

It’s common knowledge that water and electricity don’t mix, but sometimes homeowners forget this principle in the midst of a water damage disaster. It’s important, however, that you shut off power when possible. We recommend that homeowners do so if the electrical outlets are submerged. Use caution trying to access the circuit panel, though. If it cannot be reached safely, we suggest placing a call to the utility company instead. 

Contact a Water Damage Restoration Company 

Though some people may think they need to contact their insurance company right away, we recommend that you reach out to a water damage emergency crew first. Many restoration companies can assist you with your insurance claims and negotiating with adjustors.

Extract Standing Water 

When dealing with emergency water damage, we suggest that our clients act fast. Time is of the essence because the longer it takes to dry a property, the more damage it can sustain. For that reason, we always start with a fast and efficient extraction. We use state-of-the-art equipment to remove several gallons of water each second. 

Homeowners are welcome to attempt this step on their own. However, they usually don’t have access to the high-powered pumps and wet/dry vacuums that our crews use. Therefore, the process may take longer, and secondary water damage could occur.

Remove Household Belongings

In order to mitigate further damage, homeowners should remove or relocate as many of their household belongings as possible. As long as it is safe to access them, they should be packed and taken to a higher level or a dry storage facility. 

At A.W. Puma Restoration & Remodeling, we can help with this step. Our professionals can pack out all of your vulnerable items. We can also clean and dry belongings that were damaged by the water leak.

Start the Drying Process

Once the space has been cleared, it will be easier to dry out the affected area. We suggest that homeowners use a system of dehumidifiers and fans to start the drying process. This step can take anywhere from a few hours to several days, depending on how severe the water damage is. 

Fortunately, we know how to expedite the process. Our professionals have access to commercial-grade drying equipment, including air movers. We can strategically place these tools in areas to optimize airflow. We also can utilize our moisture meters to monitor the progress as we go.

Restore the Damaged Property

The last step is to focus on making repairs to restore the property. If the damage to walls, flooring, and other building materials is severe, homeowners may need professional help from a contractor. When customers choose our company, they don’t have to hire another contractor. We are licensed to handle all restoration and reconstruction services. 

Contact Us to Request Emergency Water Damage Services

Customers in the Greater Boston area should contact our professionals at the first sign of emergency water damage. We are available 24/7 to help with leaks, floods, and other disasters. You can call us at (508) 406-7556, or you can submit our simple online form to request more information.

water damage cleanup company

How Does Professional Water Damage Cleanup Work?

For many people, a water damage event is a new experience. Therefore, they don’t know what to expect when they hire a water damage cleanup company in Boston to help restore the affected area. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the process, it’s important to take some time to understand how it all works.

Fortunately, homeowners don’t have to go in blind thanks to A.W. Puma Remodeling & Restoration. Their helpful guide details all of the steps of a professional water damage cleanup so that customers can feel better prepared for their restoration.

Assessment of Damage

The very first step of any restoration job is to assess the damage. Since water intrusion events can be broken down into different categories, types, and classes, it’s important for a water damage cleanup company to see what they are working with. They arrive on the scene with protective equipment in case there is any risk of exposure to contaminants. 

The contractors also bring helpful tools like moisture meters to assess how far the damage has spread. These pieces of equipment are essential in diagnosing hidden water damage in walls, flooring, and other parts of the home.

Water Extraction

Once the contractors are ready to begin the actual cleanup, they start with extracting any of the standing water. In some cases, this process might be completed in just an hour or so, but if the water level is high, it could take several hours and many high-powered pumps to get the job done. 

Wet/dry vacuums are also helpful during this phase. Even if there isn’t a lot of water remaining in the home, these tools can extract what remains in the carpet and other areas of the home.

Drying & Dehumidification

After the last few puddles have been cleaned up, the water damage cleanup company typically moves on to the drying phase. During this step, they utilize air movers, commercial fans, and dehumidifiers to remove any water that remains in the building materials and air. They may also open windows to increase circulation.

Depending on how severe the water damage was, this process may take a day or several weeks to ensure that every bit of excess moisture is removed. Moisture meters will be used again to monitor the progress and determine when the house has finally dried. It’s important to be thorough with this step to avoid secondary damage, such as rot and mold.

Contents Cleaning

While the air movers and dehumidifiers are working their magic, the water damage cleanup company will often start to tend to the household contents. The best damrestoration crews can help to repair or clean any furniture, clothing, textiles, or other items that were impacted by the water intrusion. In fact, they typically have a higher rate of success with salvaging household contents than if the homeowners simply chose to DIY this step. 

The contents cleaning process can be broken down into three phases. The sorting and pack out takes place with the homeowners’ supervision, and items are either thrown out or kept to be cleaned. Anything that is kept is safely packed and sent to the company’s cleaning facility. The items will remain there until they are ready to be delivered to the restored house. 

Demolition of Damaged Materials

In some cases, building materials absorb too much water to be dried out and returned to their original condition. For example, extremely saturated drywall or wood often becomes warped and weak, so it’s best to remove these materials. 

The contractors can use their knowledge and experience to determine what parts of the home are better off being removed and replaced. However, they typically have to remove:

  • Drywall
  • Insulation
  • Carpet and Padding
  • Wood Floors
  • Door Frames
  • Trim
  • And More!

Repairs and Reconstruction

The final step can often be the longest of the whole process, but the amount of time depends on how much demolition work was done. The best water damage cleanup company has licensed and certified contractors who can complete reconstruction and repairs to the house.

Not only does this save homeowners time and money, but it also ensures that the job gets done right. After all of the repairs and installations have taken place, the contractors go through the house and verify that the property has been returned to its pre-loss condition free of moisture and mold.

Learn More from a Local Water Damage Cleanup Company 

Interested in finding out more about how A.W. Puma Remodeling & Restoration handles water damage cleanups? Then contact their experienced company right away. They are available for 24/7 emergency services, so customers can call anytime water damage occurs. They also have a simple online form that homeowners can submit to request a free quote and more information.


Everything You Need To Know Before Filing an Insurance Claim for Water Damage

Property owners can experience water damage from burst pipes, a leaking water heater, major rainstorms, faulty appliances, and much more. Depending on their insurance policies, they may receive financial assistance to clean up the aftermath. While some situations require more out-of-pocket expenses, knowing what to do before filing a water damage insurance claim can prepare property owners for the best results.

Documenting damage, reviewing policy information, and researching potential cleanup businesses make business owners and homeowners more prepared to file an insurance claim. A.W. Puma Remodeling + Restoration provides water damage restoration services for Boston, Massachusetts residents, and anyone interested in their services can contact them after reading. 

Separate Damaged and Undamaged Items

Removing undamaged belongings prevents them from joining the damaged pile. It also helps clearly differentiate what items will factor into the insurance claim and what water damage didn’t affect. Items that were near the main damaged area might require cleaning or a full replacement.

Review Insurance Policy Specifics

Before beginning the claim filing process, property owners must know the specific details of their policies. They could have more out-of-pocket expenses than they expected without the proper understanding of their coverage. Most home insurance policies cover water damage from:

  • Burst or frozen pipes
  • Roof leaks
  • Vandalism
  • Plumbing problems
  • Appliance issues

What Damage Does Insurance Typically Not Cover?

Despite the many water damage scenarios that homeowners insurance covers, numerous exclusions exist. Property owners might need to purchase additional protection in these cases. Some causes of water damage that insurance policies don’t usually cover include the following:

  • Damage over time: This includes hidden water damage leaks and issues from typical wear that the property owner doesn’t address immediately.
  • Lack of maintenance: Insurance companies will not provide assistance if a business or homeowner neglects routine maintenance.
  • Natural disaster flooding: Hurricanes and melting snow are part of a flood insurance policy, not the normal water damage one.
  • Septic or sewage system backup: This major health concern often requires another policy or an add-on to help pay for cleanup.

Massachusetts residents can file a water damage insurance claim to get help for cleanup and restoration. Since New England experiences extreme weather, property owners might need extra flood insurance on top of their existing coverage.

Research Water Damage Restoration Businesses

Some water damage restoration companies work directly with their customers’ insurance companies. Before filing a claim, it’s a good idea to explore options for which businesses to work with. Checking past reviews, details about services, and location is ideal for finding the best fit. 

Decide To Stay or Leave the Property

Some homes are unlivable if water damage is severe enough. It can create mold and mildew growth and impact allergy levels, sickness, and indoor air quality. Business owners may have to shut down operations for employees and customers until the property is designated safe. 

Since water damage may cause structural damage and pools of chemicals and wastewater, knowing whether to leave or not is essential. Property owners should review their policies and see if they have coverage for their living situation. Reimbursement might become available later, so homeowners should keep all the receipts for their dining and lodging expenses for insurance purposes.

Consider Negotiating

Larger damage might mean negotiating on the settlement. Some people work with their insurance agent and opt to pay the difference for replacing and upgrading any affected areas. It’s up to the individual whether they want to restore the damaged parts of their home or business or make them better.

Document All Evidence of Water and Flood Damage

Property owners need to acquire clear photos and video evidence of all damaged areas and belongings on the property. This can quicken the insurance claim process. Making an itemized list with the paid amount and current value of each possession can make a tremendous difference.

Some belongings that might require repairing or replacing include the following:

  • Furniture
  • Electronics
  • Flooring
  • Appliances
  • Clothes
  • And more

Contact A.W. Puma Remodeling + Restoration Services in Boston, Massachusetts

Anyone who owns a home or business in Massachusetts and has experienced water damage requires immediate assistance. After preparing and filing a water damage insurance claim, the experts at A.W. Puma Remodeling + Restoration Services are here to help. They provide repair, restoration, mold remediation, water extraction, item drying, and much more to residents of Boston and the surrounding communities.

When scheduling water damage restoration services, speed is vital. Homeowners and businesses who are dealing with the aftermath of water damage should contact A.W. Puma Remodeling + Restoration Services‘ five-star team by calling (508) 300-9747.

repair drywall water damage

Three Steps to Repair Water-Damaged Drywall

Water damage can wreak havoc on a home, destroying furniture, flooring, and appliances. It may not even spare the drywall. Water-damaged drywall can lead to various problems, including holes and cracks in the drywall, swelling and buckling of the drywall, and mold and mildew growth. Thus, it becomes essential to address these problems promptly through professional water damage restoration services to mitigate further damage and restore the home to its pre-damaged state.

Quick action is essential to prevent the drywall from losing its structural integrity and compromising the overall safety of the property. Here’s a detailed guide on how to repair water-damaged drywall and protect the property from further deterioration. 

Common Signs of Drywall Water Damage

It’s important to ensure the drywall has truly suffered damage before spending resources to repair it. Drywall may exhibit any of the following signs of water damage: 

  • Water stain and discoloration: Water-damaged walls usually lose their original color and develop unsightly stains. Wet areas will appear darker than other parts of the wall. Slow water leaks will result in water stains, which appear as irregularly shaped brown or yellow spots. 
  • Bubbles: When water gets to the wall from behind, it forces the paint or wallpaper to bubble up from the drywall. 
  • Peeling paint or wallpaper: Moisture can weaken the paint or the adhesive on the wallpaper. The paint or wallpaper will end up peeling off the drywall. 
  • Sagging walls: If the damage involves large amounts of water, it can severely weaken the drywall and make it buckle, sag, or crumble. 

How to Fix Water-Damaged Drywall

Leaving water-damaged drywall unaddressed would only aggravate the problem. Luckily, repairing water-damaged drywall is quite easy if left to water damage professionals. It entails the following easy-to-follow steps.

Step 1: Clearing the Area

To clear the area, you should:

  • Remove water-soaked items, including wet carpets and padding. 
  • Switch the circuit breakers off and remove non-damaged electrical outlets before stripping off the wall material. Any flooded outlets should be removed and discarded. 
  • Assess the drywall and decide how much to cut out. If the water level didn’t rise past 2.5 feet, remove the drywall material up to four feet. If the water level went beyond 2.5 feet, remove the material up to eight feet or the ceiling junction. 
  • Eliminate any sagging, cracked, or crumbling drywall. Drying the drywall can be an option if it’s just damp and the offending water was clean. 

Step 2: Cutting the Damaged Portion of the Drywall

Follow these steps to cut out the damaged portion properly before replacing it:

  • Use a chalk line to draw a straight line along the drywall above the area where the water ceased wicking.
  • Use a utility knife to cut along the line at about three-quarters of the way through the wall’s thickness. 
  • Carefully loosen and rip off the damaged portion.
  • After cutting out and removing the drywall, strip off all the insulation. If you have foam plastic, however, you may not need to remove it since it dries easily.
  • After removing the water-damaged drywall, open the doors and windows and use high-efficiency blowers and dehumidifiers to dry the area around and inside the drywall. 

Step 3: Replacing Water-Damaged Drywall

After clearing the area and cutting the damaged part off, it’s time to install new drywall. Start by measuring the size of the damaged area to determine the size of drywall to cut out from a new sheet. Attach four drywall clips around the damaged portion, securing each with a drywall crew. 

Next, insert the pieces of drywall and secure them to the clips. Avoid tightening the screws too much. Blend the new sheet in with the old drywall using drywall tape and joint compound. 

Last but not least, sand the repaired area multiple times for a smooth, seamless surface. Apply primer on the wall to seal the surface. Next, paint the whole wall and ensure uniform color throughout. Make certain the joint compound is properly dry because it contains plenty of moisture that would compromise the painting results. 

For Professional Drywall Water Damage Repair, Call A.W. Puma Restoration & Remodeling!

While repairing water-damaged drywall is not very complex, it requires experience, the right techniques, and proper equipment. Otherwise, the outcome may leave a lot to be desired.

It’s best to leave such a delicate task to an experienced professional. A.W. Puma Restoration & Remodeling is the go-to contractor for professional water damage restoration and drywall repair services. The award-winning company uses professional equipment to quickly and efficiently dry and repair drywalls. 

Give A.W. Puma Restoration & Remodeling a call at (508) 300-9747 or fill out their online form to request a quote for water-damaged drywall repair today! Let them assist with your needs.

water cleanup

How To Tell If You Have A Leak Causing Water Damage

There are several signs that can indicate the presence of a leak causing water damage in your home. Owning a home, there are a number of factors that can cause leaks, especially hidden leaks. This can include plumbing issues, roof damage, clogged gutters, and a multitude of appliance leaks. From washing machines to refrigerators, showers, air conditioners, and more, homeowners must always be on the lookout. Here are some common indicators to look for.

Most Common Causes of Leaks in a Home

The most common causes of leaks in a home can vary depending on several factors, including the age and condition of the property. Regular maintenance, prompt repairs, and inspections can help identify and address these common causes of leaks.  Here are the top x causes of leaks in a home:

  1. Plumbing Issues
  2. Roof Problems
  3. Faulty Appliances
  4. Clogged or Damaged Gutters
  5. Foundation Cracks
  6. Poorly Sealed Windows and Doors
  7. HVAC System Problems

Indicators of A Household Leak

  • Water stains or discoloration: Check for yellowish or brown stains on ceilings, walls, or floors, especially in areas near plumbing fixtures or pipes. These stains could mean that water is seeping or leaking behind the surfaces.
  • Musty or moldy odors: A persistent musty smell, particularly in closed-off or damp areas like basements or bathrooms, can be a sign of hidden water damage or mold growth caused by a leak.
  • Dripping or running water sounds: The sound of water dripping, running, or rushing when no taps or appliances are in use could be a sign of a concealed leak within the walls, floors, or ceiling.
  • Warped or bulging surfaces: Swollen or warped walls, ceilings, or floors, especially in areas exposed to water, may indicate water damage. These changes in the structure are often a result of prolonged exposure to moisture.
  • Peeling or bubbling paint or wallpaper: Excessive moisture can cause paint or wallpaper to peel, bubble, or discolor. This can be a sign of water damage behind the surface.
  • Increased water bills: If the water bill suddenly spikes without any explanation, it could be an indication of a hidden leak. Keep an eye on water usage and bills for any unexplained increases.
  • Soft or sagging areas: Soft, spongy, or sagging areas in walls, ceilings, or floors can be a result of water damage weakening the underlying structure.

If homeowners suspect there is a leak causing water damage, it’s crucial to take immediate action. Locate the source of the leak if possible and address it asap. If the cause is not apparent or the damage is extensive, it’s recommended to seek professional help from a plumber or water damage restoration company to assess the situation and mitigate further damage.


What Can Happen If Water Damage Is Left Untreated

If water damage is left untreated, it can lead to various significant problems and potential consequences. Prolonged exposure to water can weaken the structural integrity of a home. It can cause wood to warp, rot, or deteriorate, leading to compromised walls, floors, and ceilings. Over time, untreated water damage can result in severe structural issues that may be costly to repair.

Moisture also provides an ideal environment for mold and mildew to thrive. If water damage is left untreated, mold and mildew can begin to grow within 24-48 hours. These fungi can spread rapidly and release spores that can trigger allergies and respiratory issues. They can also cause further damage to surfaces and materials, leading to additional repair and remediation costs.

Additional Hazards of Untreated Leaks

  • Health hazards: Water damage and the subsequent growth of mold and mildew can pose serious health risks. Exposure to mold spores and the byproducts they produce can lead to allergic reactions, respiratory problems, and other health issues, particularly for individuals with pre-existing conditions or weakened immune systems.
  • Electrical hazards: Water damage can affect electrical systems and pose a significant risk of electrical hazards. If water comes into contact with electrical wiring, outlets, or appliances, it can lead to short circuits, electrical shocks, or even fires. Ignoring water damage increases the potential for these dangerous situations.
  • Decreased property value: Untreated water damage can significantly decrease the value of the property. Visible signs of water damage, such as stains, mold growth, or structural issues, can deter potential buyers and make it challenging to sell a home. Moreover, insurance companies may be less likely to provide coverage or may offer limited coverage for damages resulting from pre-existing water damage.


Contact A.W. Puma Restoration & Remodeling For Water Damage Caused By Leaks

To mitigate these risks, it is crucial to address water damage promptly. Contacting a water damage restoration company like A.W. Puma Restoration & Remodeling can help fix the problem before it gets any worse. A.W. Puma Restoration & Remodeling will assess the extent of the damage, safely remove excess water, dry affected areas, and remediate mold if present. Swift action can prevent further damage, protect your health, and save you from more extensive repairs and restoration costs down the line. Contact A.W. Puma Restoration & Remodeling by calling them at (508) 300-9747 or visiting their website and submitting an online contact form.


water damage restoration

Common Causes of Leaky Ceilings in Natick, MA

Homeownership comes with as many challenges as it does fun surprises. One of the less exciting parts of being a homeowner is dealing with water damage restoration. Unfortunately, this is all too common for many people, especially since water damage can come from a variety of sources. 

While most people think of flooding floors when they think of water damage, it can also be hidden in other parts of the home, including the ceiling. It might seem like this type of water damage would be easy enough to spot, but it’s usually a slow leak rather than an unwanted waterfall installation.  

What causes these slow leaks?

Ceiling water damage isn’t limited to one source. There are many factors that can contribute to a leaky ceiling, but the following are some of the most common culprits that require water damage restoration services

Old Roofs

The average lifespan of a roof can range anywhere from 25 to 50 years, depending on the type of roofing system. For example, metal roofs last much longer than asphalt. However, all roofs are subject to wear and tear that can cause them to degrade over time. Not only can the material weaken, but caulking around the flashing can also crack and break off.

Eventually, the roofing system becomes more vulnerable to the elements. For that reason, it’s important to regularly inspect a roof to make sure that it is still in good shape. Otherwise, the home might end up with significant water damage in the attic or ceilings.

Damaged or Missing Shingles

Even if a roof isn’t old, it can still sustain damage from storms, especially if heavy wind or hail is involved. This severe weather can damage or entirely remove large portions of shingles from a roof. When this happens, the rain from the same storms can enter the home. If the shingles aren’t repaired quickly enough, rain and snowmelt can continue to make their way into the roof and damage the ceilings of the home. 

Ice Dams

Another roofing problem that many water damage restoration companies discover is ice dams. Fortunately, this isn’t something that homeowners have to worry about in the warmer months, but homes in Natick, MA may become susceptible to ice dams if there are periods of heavy snow. 

How does it happen?

When the sun heats the roof during the day, it can melt snow, but when temperatures drop in the evenings, that snowmelt can turn to ice. As this continues, the ice can build up underneath the shingles and create an ice dam. From there, it can leave the roof weakened and vulnerable to leaking.

Plumbing Problems

Damaged roofs aren’t the only culprit of leaking ceilings. Some homes may experience ceiling water damage if there are plumbing issues. For example, an upstairs bathroom can leak and destroy the ceiling below it. Homes may also experience a pipe burst in an upstairs room that leads to water damage in the basement ceiling or other levels. 

In the case of a pipe burst, it’s usually easy to detect that there is a problem. Homeowners will either hear or see a rush of water. If there is a slow leak in the plumbing, it may be harder to detect, and ceilings could end up with mold.

Damaged Appliances

Finally, some homeowners might find that their faulty appliances are the cause of a leaky ceiling. It’s not uncommon for refrigerators, washing machines, and dishwashers to leak. The drain and supply lines can easily become damaged or clogged over time. When they finally end up leaking, the water can move to the ceiling of the room below it. Usually, this occurs slowly, and it can take a while to detect the water damage.

Signs a Ceiling Needs Water Damage Restoration

Since leaky ceilings usually don’t have a steady stream or drip of water, they can be difficult to detect until they’ve already wreaked havoc on the drywall, insulation, and framing of a house. For that reason, it’s important that homeowners understand what signs can indicate a problem so that they can catch the leak as quickly as possible. Signs that a ceiling might need a water damage restoration include:

  • Discoloration or Staining
  • Sagging Drywall
  • Sagging Light Fixtures
  • Blistering or Peeling Ceiling Paint
  • Buckling or Cracking Plaster
  • Holes in Drywall
  • Mold or Mildew Odors

Find out More About the Common Causes of Water Damage Restorations for Ceilings

Homeowners who suspect that they have leaky ceilings shouldn’t hesitate to contact a water damage restoration company for a professional inspection. Skilled contractors like A.W. Puma Restoration & Remodeling can use their specialized tools to check for moisture in drywall, flooring, and more. Natick homeowners can reach their experts by calling (508) 406-7556, or they can send a message through the convenient online contact form.

flood cleanup

Prevent Further Water Damage with This Flood Cleanup Checklist

Floods can occur when they are least expected, and they can come from a variety of sources. No matter when or how it happens, homeowners need to be prepared to handle the flood cleanup. After all, floods can be incredibly destructive. They can ruin furniture, destroy flooring, and leave homes with major structural problems.

Though it is no small task to restore a flood-damaged home, it can be done when homeowners follow these ten steps. However, they don’t have to do it alone. There are several trained flood cleanup crews that can help with this process to ensure that the property is completely restored to its pre-loss condition.  

Contact Homeowners’ Insurance

One of the very first things that a homeowner should do is reach out to their insurance company. The agent should be able to help the family with relocating to a temporary shelter if it is no longer safe to remain in the home. They should also be able to recommend a reliable flood cleanup crew.

However, it is important to note that most policies will not cover flood damage caused by a storm. Homeowners may need to have a separate policy for flood insurance. 

Document Flood Damage

If the damage is covered by insurance, homeowners should thoroughly document the damage that occurred. They should take photos or videos of every item that was impacted by the water. Homeowners should also document the water level because drywall may have to be removed at least two feet above the waterline.

Initiate the Cleanup

Homeowners who hire a professional crew can let those experts handle the initial cleanup phase. These contractors can use pumps to extract large volumes of water, and they can remove any dirt or debris. In addition, they can start the drying process by running air movers and dehumidifiers. 

Sort & Discard Contents 

Most flood cleanup crews offer content restoration, so they will help homeowners to sort through their personal items. They can recommend what items should be discarded, and they can pack up the belongings that will be cleaned off-premises. After the items are cleaned, the contractors can store them until they are ready to be returned to the property. 

Remove Walls

Sometimes water damage can be hidden within the walls, so it’s wise to remove them. This will allow the interior to completely dry. Otherwise, homeowners could end up dealing with a hidden mold problem down the road. Wet insulation should also be removed when the walls are taken down. If there is any mud or debris, it should be cleaned out at this time as well.

Remove Flooring

While wood floors are beautiful, they don’t hold up well to water damage. They can easily become warped or buckled, but the right flood cleanup contractors should know how to carefully remove them to preserve them. The wood should then be cleaned and carefully dried or repaired before installing it back in the house. Some pieces might need to be replaced. 

Even other types of sheet or tile flooring should be removed. This will give the subfloor more exposure so that it can dry as well.  

Inspect Subfloors

While the subfloor is exposed, it should be inspected for damage. Wood subfloors are particularly susceptible to swelling and warping, but they can typically be dried over time. Any plywood or OSB subfloors should be removed if they were submerged in the water. It is impossible to dry them back to their flat surface.

Clean Affected Surfaces

Even if a material does not need to be replaced, it should be cleaned before the family returns to the home. Contractors can sanitize walls, flooring, trim, countertops, and more to make sure that all contaminants are eliminated. 

Check for Mold Growth

Since it takes as little as 24 hours for mold to grow, it’s not uncommon to find some spores throughout the flood cleanup. Fortunately, most flood cleanup crews are trained in mold removal, so they can carefully handle any mold or mildew problems. 

Reconstruct Damaged Area

Finally, the contractors will complete the reconstruction phase. The best flood cleanup experts are licensed general contractors, so they can install new flooring, walls, and more. By the time they are finished, the home should be back to its pre-loss condition, if not even better! 

Find out More About the Steps of a Successful Flood Cleanup

Want to know more about how to fully restore a home impacted by flood damage? If so, homeowners should reach out to the professionals of A.W. Puma Restoration & Remodeling right away. They are available 24/7 to help with emergency flood cleanup projects, submit a online contact form or homeowners can call to ask about their services.